What do you consider success when it comes to weight loss? Are you just interested in losing weight? Every single program I went on, losing the weight was the main focus! Is that what you consider success? Just losing 10, 20, 50 lbs.? I can't tell you how many times I lost the SAME 50 lbs. I tried diet after diet. They all had about the same focus, control what you eat and exercise, but they had a little different approach. Each time I would join one of these programs I would pray and wish that "This time was the LAST time I have to go on a diet!" But every single time the weight came right back on.
Einstein said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I know that there are some of you reading this blog post that want to lose weight but you don't want to try losing weight again out of fear of failing again. There are some of you that have gotten the courage to try it one more time and joined another weight loss program hoping that this will be the "last time" to have to diet again. Well I'm here to tell you that there is a way to get off that road to "insanity"! There is a BETTER way! There is a way to take it off that is much less painful and stressful and you can keep the weight off forever!
When you are taught to count every point, every calorie, every fat gram, every carb you put into your mouth and you have to live that way for the rest of your life in order to keep the weight off, THAT is CRAZY to me! You become consumed with food! What you put in your mouth becomes a full time job! Then there is the shake diets and the diet pill diets and the starve yourself diet and every other kind of crazy diet that you can think of out there! BOTTOM LINE: You will lose weight with these other diet plans BUT you will have to count whatever FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to KEEP the weight off! Or you will have to drink those shakes, take those pills, starve or what ever FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to KEEP the weight off! If that doesn't make sense to you, if that is something you find you can't do for the rest of your life then you have to ask yourself , "are you starting that program to just lose that weight temporarily? Or are you wanting to lose it for the LAST time?
Tomorrow I will tell you how I help you lose the weight for good! Stay tuned!