Thursday, November 10, 2011

When was the last time you thought about good nutrution for yourself or your family?

How important is it to eat nutritionally?  Have you ever thought about that question?  We all know we should eat more healthy but do we know and understand WHY it is so important to eat meals that nourish our bodies? How important is your health to you??  I know as I grow older good health becomes more and more precious.  When I talk about good health to my grown children they are like everyone else.  They know they should eat more healthy but it isn't really a priority.  When I was their age I thought the same exact way.  "I feel good, I'm doing fine. Why worry about one more thing.  My life is busy enough."   But as we age, we don't feel quite so spunky.  We aren't quite so limber.  We feel a few more aches and pains.  We don't see quite as well.  We usually put on extra pounds and have a harder time getting it off.  We don't sleep as soundly at night.  We are a bit more tired.  Our minds drift more to worrying about diseases. 
I'm learning more and more how VERY important nutrition is!! Our bodies use the food to heal itself and re-build itself with the food we give it.  We HAVE to change our mind set!  Instead of thinking about food as a way to heal our bodies we think of food as a primary way of feeding our "emotions".  When we feel sad, we eat.  When we feel lonely, we eat.  When we feel stressed, we eat.  When we feel like celebrating, we eat.  When we feel over whelmed, we eat.  Do you get the picture?  And when we feel these emotions what do we reach for?  Carrots, Apples??  Not likely.  We go for the candy bars, the snack cakes, sugary sodas, JUNK FOOD.  Instead of mindlessly eating the junk food trying to fill that emotion, STOP for a minute and ask yourself, "What emotion you are trying to feed?"  Become more aware!  When you are aware, you have more choices.  You then can either make a wise choice of food or find something else to do.
When we are filling ourselves with junk food we are starving ourselves of CRITICAL nutrition!  How can your body heal itself if you are starving it of the vitamins and minerals it needs?  As the years go on and we continue in bad eating habits, then slowly the weight packs on and then disease smacks us in the face. Diabetes, Heart disease, cancers, high blood pressure, etc. all are good possibilities of becoming a big part of our lives.  I think that we tend to think, "Well these diseases don't run in my family so I'm safe."  But the true fact of the matter is we can all get these diseases.  They are not necessarily genetic.  Just by eating badly we can eventually inflict these diseases on ourselves!
In my next post I will share with you a great way to get your fruits and vegetables in a fun and DELICIOUS way!