Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Miracle of Giving

I was reading the other day that there is an age old tradition among the Buddhist Monks that they still practice today.  They get up early each morning to collect simple donations of rice or curry from the people in their community.  It's interesting to note that this food is never eaten by them or others.  The Monks collect these donations for the simple reason of giving their people the experience of the joy of giving.
In what ways do you give?  Do you give yourself the blessing of giving?  People tend to not realize that when we give of ourselves, we in turn  are given something very special back. Something so big that it can help with loneliness, depression, feelings of low self worth, and the list can go on and on.  Whether we have money, talents, time, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or anything that can be given, it must be shared!
I believe with all my heart that giving of ourselves is one of the biggest thing in life that we are suppose learn.  With life SO, SO busy now, giving is becoming less and less in the for front of our minds because we are just trying to get through the day. 
There is one of my most favorite quotes that I've shared with you before from Oliver Wendell Holmes and I think it is very applicable to this subject.  He said, "The biggest tragedy is the waste of human resources. The average person goes to his grave with his music still in him."  It is not only the biggest tragedy for human kind but it is also the biggest tragedy of life for us personally by NOT SHARING OUR OWN MUSIC!!!!  Hanging on to or with holding what we could share with others wastes opportunities and we fail to leave such a positive mark in our world for the better. 
If you are feeling frustrated, stuck in life, or don't know how to reach your goals, please contact me and I'd be happy to help coach you through your roadblocks!


  1. That is a nice thought about sharing your music aka: yourself/your talents. What good is it if you are not blessing the lives of others? I will reflect on some of the things I could better share : )

  2. Thank you Tanayia for your comments. That is SO true. What a sad life to lead if we always think of ourselves and never of others. I know I have room to reflect and improve as well!
