Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Inflammation, the SILENT killer!! Do you even know you have it?

I had inflammation for years and years and never even realized it.  I have always had chunky ankles, feet, and hands.  Even when I was at a really good weight I had chunky ankles, you know the kind of legs that looks like your calve goes all the way down to your foot.  This was something that has bothered me for years!  I finally thought there is nothing I can do about it because it's just in my genes and that is the way I'm going to be for ever no matter what weight I'm at.  As I began to shift my way of thinking from "dieting" to learning to eat cleaner more whole foods, not only have I lost the weight but something very amazing started to happen.  I began to see my ankles again, my feet and hands have shrunk.  I have to wear my wedding ring on my middle finger because it would slip off!  I thought that this was AMAZING but I didn't really understand why.  From the things that I've learned in my training, I realized that it was inflammation all this time that was causing my ankles, feet and hands to look fat. To tell you how bad it was, I had a friend that had been a former Weight Watchers buddy of mine and who had seen me at a good weight come up to me a couple of months ago after I lost this inflammation tell me that I was looking really good and she couldn't believe how thin my ankles looked!  To me that was HUGE!!  Most people don't notice your ankles but this proved to me that the inflammation was bad even when I was thin!
So how do we get inflammation?  What are the results of inflammation in the body? We get inflammation from the foods we eat, PERIOD!  These foods are processed foods, foods that are found in the center isle of your grocery store, foods that are laden with tons of chemicals, foods that are really man made substances we call food.  We have become a people that doesn't know how to cook or eat REAL food.
I won't go over all the scientific information but bottom line is this, inflammation is a SILENT killer.  Most people are like I was, never even knowing that they have it.  I now can spot it on a person a mile away.  I know what it looks like on a person. Inflammation is associated with cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer's, allergies, asthma, and more.  Once the inflammation moves on to these diseases your life expectancy shortens by 10- 15 years!

Take a look at your body.  Be more aware of what's going on.  If you are concerned about inflammation in your body, contact me for a FREE consultation.  Together we can form a road map to better health for you!  I'm really looking forward to helping you live the BEST life you can! For more information go to:   Contact me at:

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