Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The poorer the quality of food we eat, the more QUANTITY we'll consume!

When I started my weight loss journey for the LAST time, I learned the importance of eating the best quality foods I could get my hands on.  We hadn't planted a good garden in years.  So I decided that this was the year to do it.  We planted red potatoes, cabbage, onions, asparagus, cucumbers, 3 kinds of squash, rhubarb, sunflowers, okra, tomatoes and more!  (We did go a little crazy!)  When we were in the store buying seeds our mouths just started watering thinking about all this FRESH yummy food that we were going to be eating this summer.  I wanted to plant enough so I could put some in the freezer as well so we could eat it during the winter months.  And it didn't stop at the garden.  I love meals that include chicken!  We set up a large pen and went out and bought chickens!  I love getting up early in the morning to listen to the roosters crow!  We also raise a few cows to have our own beef.  I realize not everyone lives on a place where they can plant a huge garden or have any animals but that is not a problem!!!  There are farmers markets everywhere.  You just have to look for them.  I just googled "Farmers Markets in Oklahoma" and got lots of  information!  When you go you can as the vender if the vegtables are organic or not.  They will tell you.  This is SO important!  You don't want to eat produce that has been sprayed with pesticides.  With all the diseases that are sky rocketing it sure makes me think twice about what we are eating!  Also a lot of the produce we buy in the stores may have been sitting for quite a while and has lost a lot of it's nutritional value.  Our bodies recognize when we are eating food that is poorer quality and feels like it needs more so we eat more to compensate for the lack in nutrition. 
Also there are lots of cattle ranchers that raise good quality beef that is not full of steroids and other chemicals.  We have such a small herd we don't have a lot of extra beef but I am in contact with a rancher that has the best beef you'll ever eat that sells beef once a year.  If you would like his information please get in touch with me and I'll be happy to share that information with you.
We tend to forget that the food we eat heals, protects, nourishes, gives us life and energy and helps determine the quality of life we have.  Think about what you are putting in your body.  Are you giving yourself good quality food that will help you to live life to the fullest???? 
Need help with getting the health and body your want?  Let me help you!  Give me a call: 918-348-1661 and make an appointment today!
Just food for thought:

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