Saturday, June 11, 2011

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

Since I've started this weight loss journey in Feb.  I've has SO many really exciting "Ah-Ha" moments.  It's been so much fun for me and the way I look at weight loss and my life on this journey has just taken a 180 degree turn.  That is what truly motivates me to want to help others with their weight issues!  Through out the last 30 years when I would start to think about losing weight, first I would have to work myself up to start the battle again and then the number on the scale would be my main focus along with the "counting" of points, calories, carbs or what ever else I was suppose to be counting.  It drove me CRAZY for about 5-6 months until I reached my goal. 
Since learning that "dieting" will most always be a temporary fix and causes people to continue to gain weight over the years, I have learned so many wonderful truths!  Some thing that has been life changing to me is that I have learned NOT to focus on the weight loss or the number on the scale but to focus on my habits.  I know some of you may say that is a no brainer.  But for those of you that have struggled with weight, you know what I mean.  When I would get on the scales and the number didn't go down or even went up, that would totally crush me!  It would take me several days to pull myself out of the slump.  I would feel like such a failure and sometimes tell myself, "Well since I messed up again I might as well eat that candy bar." Then for a few days I would really struggle to get back up on the wagon. THAT is what I mean by "dieting" is just a FIGHT for me!  I really hated it! Negative thoughts were something I lived with off and on through out the dieting.  All the guilt, deprivation, feelings of being a failure, losing hope at times just haunted me. 
This year I have learned that I truly need to have a clear goal of size and weight BUT not to have that ALL I think about or focus on.  I now focus on my HABITS.  I am thinking often about ways that can help me reach my goal.  I don't put a time limit when I'm going to reach my goal because I don't want the added pressure.  Because what I've come to learn is that when I work on and conquer my habits THEN my body's natural response will be to let go of the weight.  I've learned to totally let go of the numbers and focus on the habits and then just wait and be patient with my body as it lets go of the weight.  This was FREEDOM to me!!  I can't tell you how freeing that was.  I do still weigh myself 1-2 times a week but there is NO guilt no matter what the numbers are!  This is not a race for me!  If it takes a year to lose the weight I want then that's just fine with me. Making this my absolutely LAST time I go down this journey and getting healthy is WAY more important to me than how fast I can get the weight off!  This is one of the big lessons in making this a lifestyle and keeping the weight off for GOOD!  I've lost 20 lbs. and I know without a doubt that this 20 lbs will never come back again because I totally think differently. If you are having a hard time trying to lose weight and are needing someone to help keep you accountable and guide you, please get in touch with me.  I'd be happy to help! For more information on how I can help you or finding out how to contact me please visit my website at:

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