Friday, February 25, 2011

How full is your cup?

"People living in scarcity see the cup half empty.
  People who are positive thinkers see the cup as half full.
  People who are living in abundance see the cup as overflowing.
  But people who are living into their greatness ARE the cup!"-   Kim George

Imagine for a minute, what would your life look like or feel like if you were living in your greatness?  What would you see or hear?  I hope that we all get to the point that we are motivated enough to at least to think about it.  Are you happy where you are in life or not?  Are you at least on the right path to your greatness?  Do you even know what your greatness is?  What my idea of greatness is may be different than yours and that is ok.  We are all individuals with different dreams.  Your expectations may or may not be higher or your greatness may take you in a whole different direction and that is wonderful!  That is what makes our world so fantastic!
Life is truly to short to "just live".  I believe with all my heart that we were born with greatness within us whether we know it or not.  We just have to discover what that greatness is and LIVE IT!  I see life so much more exciting, satisfying and fulfilling when we are living in our greatness.  When we find our greatness and are working towards it, we feel more in control of our lives.  We are MAKING life happen.  We are setting goals and looking towards the future.  We know the end results as clear as day.  The other day I had some time to just ponder while I was driving and I was thinking almost in a prayer and I was looking at my dreams.  All of the sudden I was THERE.  I clearly saw myself living my dream. I felt what it's going to feel like when I accomplish my dream and for a split second I was THERE.  I was looking back at my journey  and I felt like "I FINALLY MADE IT!!!!!"   It was the most undescribable feeling I've ever had.  I felt huge relief. I felt like the fight was finally over.  At that moment I knew I could accomplish all I wanted to accomplish! How grateful I am for that experince.  It will be a great motivator in helping me to always press forward!
My challange for you today is to define what YOUR greatness is.  What does it look like and feel like?  What do you see and hear?  Then set some goals and start your journey!  Leave a comment and let me know how it goes!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's in your dreams?

The longer you wait for the future, the shorter it will be! -"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."- Anatole France Do you ever dream??? If not, WHAT'S STOPPING YOU? Are you working towards your dream?  Are you living your dream right now?  Or are you just living what ever life hands you? I guess I can honestly say that I have been living my entire life up til the last 6 months with what ever life handed me, other than the blessing of being able to stay at home and raise my children.  That was a dream of mine for forever and I am TRULY grateful for those years and will always cherish them.  But the kids are all gone now and have been for about 4 1/2 yrs now and I just felt kind of lost and unfulfilled.  I tried to do a few things but they just really didn't fit.  They didn't really feel the void I was feeling. This last year I have been REALLY exploring different avenues that I thought might be fulfilling to me and bring me a sense of satisfaction in my life.  I came across some personal development CD's and even went to an all day company seminar that just opened my eyes WIDE open to the possibility if I was able to dream it, I was able to BECOME it!  Since then my life has not been the same!!!!!  Even though I'm not there yet the journey has been SO powerful!  I've learned more about myself and what I really can accomplish if I put my mind to it than I have in years and years. I truly feel free!
This is what I wish for you!!!!!  If you are afraid to dream, start small.  If you don't have faith in yourself or the fact that your dreams can come true, TRY IT!!!!!!  What do you have to loose?  You just have to believe, plan, and work on it!  Dreaming to me is one of the most fun things to do in my quiet time or when I'm exercising.  My challenge for you today is to find some quiet time to dream today.  Really ponder on what would really motivate you in your life, what would fulfill you, what would really make you happy?  Then in the next day or two come up with a plan on how you can make that dream come true. Let me know how it goes!!!!  Please feel free to leave a comment.  I would LOVE, LOVE to hear about some the dreams you decide to work on and how you are doing working towards them!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Is the word "failure" a common part of your vocabulary????

"If at first you don't succeed, you're running about average." -Unkown

It's SO important to understand that as we work towards our goals and dreams that making a mistake or even failing at something is a very important part of the end results of your goal or dream.  It is VERY rare that someone achieves their dreams over night.  It is a process and a journey.  Think of it this way.  For every mistake or failure you make, that is one piece of the puzzle that you have put into place that makes the picture more clear.  It is just one step closer in achieving your goal.  You will have learned what doesn't work and that IS truly part of success!
Some people define themselves from all the mistakes they've made and just beat up on themselves.  This road NEVER leads to success!  The Lance Armstrong's of this world fight back even harder when they are faced with failure.  Failure should never ever define who we are!!  Often we take one step forward and 2 steps backward but EACH step is important and should be considered as something very positive.  Think about how much sweeter your reward will be after you've had to persevere through all the mistakes and successes end up on the other side as a much wiser and stronger person.  You will feel as though you've EARNED your reward instead of someone just giving it to you.  You will have gained greater knowledge from your mistakes.  That is a huge blessing in and of itself!
Count mistakes or failures as lessons learned and celebrate the sucesses!  You are not the only one who makes mistakes.  Keep trying you will eventually achieve your dreams!
If you are feeling like a failure and just can't seem to get past it, please contact me and I will be happy to visit with you!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What is the difference between living and learning????

"There is no difference between living and is impossible and misleading and harmful to think of them as being separate."  - John Holt, author

Have you ever thought about if there is any difference between living and learning?  I think the natural tendency for us is to want them to be separate because sometimes when we think of learning we know there is going to be some degree of pain associated with learning.  Learning stretches us to places that sometimes hurt.  We like to travel the road of least resistance. 
But think about it for a minute.  What kind of life would we have if there wasn't learning, forever staying in the same place in life?  Take a minute and look back at how far you've come in life. Look at all the good, bad and the ugly that you've traveled through in your life.  It hasn't always been easy.  Some of us may have experienced a tremendous amount of pain in a "Life Changing" event.  Look at how much you learned and grown. Look at the strength you've gained.  Look at the power you now have. Look at the wonderful lessons you've learned. WOW!!  Isn't that exciting!!! When I did this exercise I had such a greater sense of gratitude for all the good as well as the bad. Because I know if it wasn't for the bad, I would be a very different person than I am now.  I know I don't want to be at the place I was, maybe 15 or 20 yrs ago.  I like the person I've become through all the big and little bumps in the road that got me to where I am now.

                                               What has YOUR life taught you?

I'd like to challenge you today to think about this question for a day or two and then sit down and write your answer in a journal.  This will be a powerful moment for you.  And then the next time a huge boulder drops in your path read your journal entry and it will be a huge help in you overcoming that challenge. 
I'd like to close with one last thought I read today from Spark People Healthy Reflections. "Having a positive attitude can deflate even the scariest situation. Overcoming adversity can help you achieve the extraordinary!"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Do you play the "Blame Game?"

I just read this quote this morning and felt that it is TRULY PROFOUND!  I'd like to share it with you.

"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are YOUR OWN. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny."
- Albert Ellis
There are so many of us that blame our mothers, ex-husbands, our bosses, our jobs, our what ever for our unhappiness.  This is such a cop-out!  It is true our experiences in our lives affect us, BUT,  HOW they affect us is OUR choice!  I like the words my sister in law used one time.  Sometimes "we have to put on our big girl panties" and accept our circumstances and make the tough choices instead of living in our self pity and and continuing to blame others for our saddness or circumstances.  We then believe that they some how owe us. That line of living and thinking traps us and we are truly stuck not able to move forward in life.
When we get to the point of owning our problems, WOW, we finally are set free!  We break the chains that we've trapped ourselves in and we start taking control of our life.  We see opportunities that we never saw before.  We see doors open that we never saw before.  Our future looks SO much brighter!!!!  We find FREEDOM! 
We will continue to experience challenges in our lives.  That is just life.  But WE will be in control instead of letting our situation or blame control us.  We will look for solutions instead of blaming others.  We will have the ablity to fight back and create a future that brings true happiness in our lives!
If you are stuck in life blaming others and you need to get out.  Get in touch with me and I will help you find your way out of the blame game.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Miracle of Giving

I was reading the other day that there is an age old tradition among the Buddhist Monks that they still practice today.  They get up early each morning to collect simple donations of rice or curry from the people in their community.  It's interesting to note that this food is never eaten by them or others.  The Monks collect these donations for the simple reason of giving their people the experience of the joy of giving.
In what ways do you give?  Do you give yourself the blessing of giving?  People tend to not realize that when we give of ourselves, we in turn  are given something very special back. Something so big that it can help with loneliness, depression, feelings of low self worth, and the list can go on and on.  Whether we have money, talents, time, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or anything that can be given, it must be shared!
I believe with all my heart that giving of ourselves is one of the biggest thing in life that we are suppose learn.  With life SO, SO busy now, giving is becoming less and less in the for front of our minds because we are just trying to get through the day. 
There is one of my most favorite quotes that I've shared with you before from Oliver Wendell Holmes and I think it is very applicable to this subject.  He said, "The biggest tragedy is the waste of human resources. The average person goes to his grave with his music still in him."  It is not only the biggest tragedy for human kind but it is also the biggest tragedy of life for us personally by NOT SHARING OUR OWN MUSIC!!!!  Hanging on to or with holding what we could share with others wastes opportunities and we fail to leave such a positive mark in our world for the better. 
If you are feeling frustrated, stuck in life, or don't know how to reach your goals, please contact me and I'd be happy to help coach you through your roadblocks!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Do you look for the "greener grass" on the other side of the fence?

Do you feel short changed or are you comparing your life with others lives?  Helen Keller truly helps us to put things into perspective!  She said:  "Instead of comparing our lot with that of those who are more fortunate than we are, we should compare it with the lot of the great majority of our fellow men. It then appears that we are among the privileged."
I absolutely LOVE this quote!!!!  When you think of the world as whole, we are VERY rich!  Think about it!  If you have 3 meals a day to eat you are better off than 925 MILLION people today. If you live in a home with running water and electricity and bathroom facilities you are better off than 1.6 BILLION people.  There are over 100 MILLION people that are totally homeless! If you own a car you are blessed to be in the 8% of the world population.   There are 1 out of 4 people that don't have clean drinking water to drink.  If you can go to your kitchen faucet and get a drink of water any time you want you are VERY blessed.  If you can read this blog, you are better off than 42 MILLION adults here in the US that can't read at all.
I think it is SO important to take a look at what we DO have at least once a week, especially when we start comparing our lives to other people's lives, thinking that their "grass" is greener than ours.  Make a list of the blessings you do have helps us to see things as they really are!  If you still feel you are being short changed in life, then list 3 things you can do right now to make some changes and then GET TO WORK!  After practicing these techniques over time, who knows your life may become someone else's "greener grass"! 
If you are stuck in life and want to take your life in a different direction and you don't know where to start, contact me and we can develop a plan to get you where you want to go!