Monday, February 21, 2011

Is the word "failure" a common part of your vocabulary????

"If at first you don't succeed, you're running about average." -Unkown

It's SO important to understand that as we work towards our goals and dreams that making a mistake or even failing at something is a very important part of the end results of your goal or dream.  It is VERY rare that someone achieves their dreams over night.  It is a process and a journey.  Think of it this way.  For every mistake or failure you make, that is one piece of the puzzle that you have put into place that makes the picture more clear.  It is just one step closer in achieving your goal.  You will have learned what doesn't work and that IS truly part of success!
Some people define themselves from all the mistakes they've made and just beat up on themselves.  This road NEVER leads to success!  The Lance Armstrong's of this world fight back even harder when they are faced with failure.  Failure should never ever define who we are!!  Often we take one step forward and 2 steps backward but EACH step is important and should be considered as something very positive.  Think about how much sweeter your reward will be after you've had to persevere through all the mistakes and successes end up on the other side as a much wiser and stronger person.  You will feel as though you've EARNED your reward instead of someone just giving it to you.  You will have gained greater knowledge from your mistakes.  That is a huge blessing in and of itself!
Count mistakes or failures as lessons learned and celebrate the sucesses!  You are not the only one who makes mistakes.  Keep trying you will eventually achieve your dreams!
If you are feeling like a failure and just can't seem to get past it, please contact me and I will be happy to visit with you!

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