Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's in your dreams?

The longer you wait for the future, the shorter it will be! -"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."- Anatole France Do you ever dream??? If not, WHAT'S STOPPING YOU? Are you working towards your dream?  Are you living your dream right now?  Or are you just living what ever life hands you? I guess I can honestly say that I have been living my entire life up til the last 6 months with what ever life handed me, other than the blessing of being able to stay at home and raise my children.  That was a dream of mine for forever and I am TRULY grateful for those years and will always cherish them.  But the kids are all gone now and have been for about 4 1/2 yrs now and I just felt kind of lost and unfulfilled.  I tried to do a few things but they just really didn't fit.  They didn't really feel the void I was feeling. This last year I have been REALLY exploring different avenues that I thought might be fulfilling to me and bring me a sense of satisfaction in my life.  I came across some personal development CD's and even went to an all day company seminar that just opened my eyes WIDE open to the possibility if I was able to dream it, I was able to BECOME it!  Since then my life has not been the same!!!!!  Even though I'm not there yet the journey has been SO powerful!  I've learned more about myself and what I really can accomplish if I put my mind to it than I have in years and years. I truly feel free!
This is what I wish for you!!!!!  If you are afraid to dream, start small.  If you don't have faith in yourself or the fact that your dreams can come true, TRY IT!!!!!!  What do you have to loose?  You just have to believe, plan, and work on it!  Dreaming to me is one of the most fun things to do in my quiet time or when I'm exercising.  My challenge for you today is to find some quiet time to dream today.  Really ponder on what would really motivate you in your life, what would fulfill you, what would really make you happy?  Then in the next day or two come up with a plan on how you can make that dream come true. Let me know how it goes!!!!  Please feel free to leave a comment.  I would LOVE, LOVE to hear about some the dreams you decide to work on and how you are doing working towards them!

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