Friday, September 10, 2010

Are you on the path of what you are meant to be??

Are you happy in you life right now? Do you feel your life is in balance? Are you experiencing peace in your life? Or are you feeling stress and anxiety much of the time? Do the things in your life bring you down? Do you feel like you are living the same old grind day after day and not feeling very fulfilled?

Last night as I was doing some reading in my book, Aspire there was a quote out of the book that was just HUGE!! I want to share it with you. Kevin Hall said, "The 2 most important days of our life are the day we were born and the day we discover what we were born to do. That's the day we catch the vision of who we are meant to be." I just loved that quote! Because when we finally discover what we are meant to do in life it sets us on the road of balance,fulfillment and truly sets us free.

From a young child my life has had some major challenges from abuse, divorce of my parents and all the effects of that, living with an alcoholic step parent, to dealing with the brain injury of my husband which was a total life changing event in and of itself. I struggled and struggled through life feeling that some time in my life things have to get better. My strong faith in God has gotten me through it all. I knew the one thing that I could cling to that was always steady and true was my church and the knowledge it gave me of my Heavenly Father. For years I've resented a lot of things that happened to me. Why did I have to go through all that pain? Why couldn't I have a seemingly normal life like my friends did? Over the years this was a familiar question I wondered about often, I wondered what kind of person I would have been had I not struggled so much in life?

Then last night I read more in the book Aspire that just struck me deeply that I truly have known to some degree for a long time but I never thought of it quite like Kevin put it. He tells of a man whose name is Viktor Frankl who survived the Nazi Concentration Camps. He suffered unspeakable acts of cruelty. One thing that I think helped him to survive is that he is an optimist and this is what he said, "I wouldn't change my life! There is not one thing I would change in my life or cancel during those years of tragedy and suffering. Why? Because I like who I have become and what I am blessed with and enjoy on a daily basis. Any pain or past suffering has helped mold and form me into a person who can promote good in the world. So the awakening that I got last night and still get as I continue to ponder on his statement is that the things we endure and deal with in life can put us on the path of balance and peace if we just seek to find it. If we can take the pain and suffering and learn important life lessons, it can help us to grow stronger and better as a person, the person we were meant to be!

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