Friday, September 17, 2010

Ten years from now is certain to come! Where will YOU be?

What does your life feel like, look like or sound like? Think about that for a while? Imagine you have already achieved your goals in life, what would your life feel like, look like and sound like?

I listened to a motivational tape of a wonderful man whose name is Jim Rohn and he compares our lives to sail boats. He says, "It's not what happens that determines your life's future. It's what you DO about what happens. All of us are like sail boats. It's not the blowing of the wind that detemines your destination, it's the set of the sail. The same wind blows on us all, the wind of disaster, the wind of opportunity, the wind of change. The same wind blows on us all. The difference of our arrival in 3 yrs, 5 yrs is not the blowing of the wind but the setting of the sail." I love listening to him talk. This is such a great point!

We detemine our own destiny. Others have traveled paths very similar to what we have traveled but ended up in very different places. This a 100% true statement! I've seen it! Many people have gotten a divorce, or lost a job, or suffered an illness, or experienced other challenges in life that we all face. Sometimes we get stuck and can't move forward or we just get lost in life and our journey tends to take us in circles. We just need someone to help us figure out the best way to get back on track and re-set our sails. And we need to be willing to do something about being stuck in life.
I'd be happy to talk with you if you are "stuck" to help you re-set your sail that will help you to live your life as you imgain it!

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