Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Is your music still stuck inside of you and you can't find a way to let it out?

What is holding you back from doing all the things that you secretly desire and are just dying to let loose? Are you stuck in a rut and have feelings of hopelessness?

I read a quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes that I just really LOVE! He said, "The biggest tragedy is the waste of human resources. The average person goes to his grave with his music still in him." I think that is one of the biggest fears I have in my life, to leave this world knowing and feeling that I had so much more I wanted to do, experience, share, learn and give. And because of fear or self limiting beliefs I didn't do them. Just sitting here typing those words makes me so sad because I lived that situation for 15 years! It's been a really hard road to travel. It wasn't until lately that I've had my eyes opened to the realization that I can dream again and know that I CAN do ANYTHING I want to do in life if I do something about it. I can not tell you how utterly liberating this has been for me! As I've come to truly believe that I can do any thing I desire,really wonderful things have been put in my path. It's been amazing!!!! That saying, "What goes around comes around" fits in a positive way also, the law of attraction. You receive back what you put out there!
If you are feeling stuck in life like you just can't get out of the deep dark whole you're feeling, or that you are moving and just aren't going anywhere, there is a way to get out, I promise! This is not luck. This is not a coincident. If you need some help to see the light at the end of the tunnel again get in touch with me!

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