Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Can you be carrying around 5-10 lbs of "False Fat"?

One of the GREAT benefits of learning to slow down while you eat is that you also learn to hear or feel signals that your body is telling you. Your body will send you signals that you really never caught before. It's super important to start listening to it and recognize what it's telling you!

Since I've been eating much more healthier, I've noticed a few things that my body has been telling me and I never made the connection. I read an article the other day that was talking about food sensitivity. We can store from 5-10 extra pounds or more because of the reaction our body has to some foods. That's a LOT! I noticed in the last few months every time I ate anything with a lot of sugar in it, my stomach would just burn. You can also feel bloated caused by swelling or inflammation. In the article there was a list of the 7 most reactive foods that cause the most sensitivity. Here it is:
I have a definite reaction to sugar and peanuts. I can't eat either one without my stomach just feeling like it was on fire. So you might want to pay attention when you eat any of these foods and if you have a negative reaction to them, they might be causing you to carry around extra weight!
If you would like some help in training yourself to listen to what your body is telling you, please contact me through my website: http://www.aspiringtofreedom.com/

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