Monday, June 13, 2011

How are taking care of the weeds in your mind?

I truly hope that you are living a life with dreams and desires.  Just living life from day to day with out hopes and dreams is living and only seeing things in black and white.  There is no richness, no color, no emotion, no excitement!  It's definitely worth taking that leap of faith!!
I want to give you something REALLY important to think about!  I have a really GREAT question I want you to think about and then answer to yourself: Are you getting to the "Root" of your weight loss issues or are you continually fighting the battle by just cutting off the top of the weeds???  What happens in a garden when you go in and just cut the tops of the weeds without pulling the entire weed, root and all out?  They continue to grow and to spread and make new weeds.  So you are fighting more and more to keep them from stealing the nutrients that your vegetables need.  Eventually the weeds starve out your vegetables and all you are left with is the weeds.  You give up on the fight because the weeds have won and you lose out on all of the wonderful fresh vegetables.  This is another reason why "diets" don't work.  We are programed to work on getting off the weight.  We all KNOW what we need to do to lose the weight but we aren't taught how to get to the "root" of what got us to the weight issues we have now.  That is why we all experience the yo-yo dieting.  "Dieting" is temporary!  I have been trained and have the tools that will help you to find the "root" of your weight issues and dig them out so that you can make your next weight loss journey the LAST.  Please go to http://www.aspiringtofreedom/ to learn more and get a hold of me from my "Contact Me" page and we will work together to end your battle with weight for the last time!

1 comment:

  1. what a fresh take on losing weight. It is something for me to think about. Thank you :)
