Friday, June 10, 2011

The first step in losing weight for GOOD!

We live in a world that wants everything right now and we have turned into speed demons!  Where has that gotten us?  We have SO many more health issues because of the "speed disease".  We have uncontrollable stress levels.  We have heart problems and high blood pressure. Think about all the drugs that have come out in the last few years that treat Acid Reflux.  This is definitely a symptom of high stress living. And one consequence of the speed disease is obesity. Even low levels of constant stress can be harmful to our health. It can be attributed to Insulin resistance.  This is where our cells become unresponsive to insulin, a factor in diabetes, weight gain, heart disease and aging. I could go on and on about the harmful affects that living a life of stress can have on our physical health, not to mention what havoc it plays on our emotional health.
So what is the cure for the "speed disease"?  It's called SLOWING DOWN!  You might ask, how can slowing down  help me with my weight loss?  Here's the secret.  I once had a client tell me that the reason why they had weight issues was because they liked food to much but they were able to eat a plate of food in 6 minutes.  I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that there are a lot of people that are exactly in the same boat!  Could you be one of them?  Have you ever timed yourself to see how quickly you eat a meal?  The 64 dollar question is, "If we LOVE food that much, why in the world are we not slowing down to eat and REALLY enjoy the food we eat?"  We mindlessly eat a meal barely even enjoying the taste of our food.  What happens when we do this?  We have all heard that it takes 20 minutes for our brains to get the message that we are full.  Think about it.  If we shoveled food into our bodies for 20 minutes, think about how much food we would be eating? We would be eating a whole plateful and then going back for 2nds and maybe even 3rds.  WOW that's a lot of food and CALORIES!  Now lets turn that around.  What if you took a saucer instead of a large dinner plate (portion control) and filled that plate (not overflowing) with food and then took 20 minutes to eat that meal?  You would chew each bit several times, REALLY enjoying the flavor of the food, putting your fork down between each bite, taking a deep breath, enjoying the smell and the texture of the food, and tasting the spices.  Think about the calories you save from just slowing down and really enjoying your meal! If you try this, you will be very surprised at the difference it makes.  I've been eating this way for 4 months  now and it's been amazing!  I actually get full eating a much smaller amount of food and eating is so much more enjoyable!  I've lost 20 lbs and it's continuing to come off.  Now after saying that I want to say there is more that I'm doing but this was the start and a HUGE "Ah-Ha" moment for me that was the beginning of how I think about food.  Eating like a speed demon has become a part of who you are as a society so it will take a real conscious effort to make the change.  You have to re-program your mind to change this habit.  But try it!!  You will really be surprised at the difference it makes!  If you are wanting someone to help you on your weight loss journey please contact me at:  Also for more information on what a weight loss coach can do for you please visit my site at:

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