When was the last time you drank a glass of FRESHLY squeezed orange juice? I'm not talking about the juice that you buy at the grocery store in a bottle or carton. I'm talking about the kind that you've squeezed from the fruit? Have you ever tried the juice of a FRESH pineapple? I don't remember even tasting a slice of fresh pineapple until a few years ago. I'd only eaten it from a can. Growing up we mainly ate a diet made up of mostly processed foods. When I got married I continued the same diet because that is all I knew. But as Maya Angelou once said, "When you know better, you do better." And that is exactly what has happened to me. I'm DOING better!
Only about 10% of the vital nutrients are left in the food once it reaches your dinner table!!! About 10% folks!! The reason is because as these foods are processed they are heated at such high temperatures that most of the vitamins and minerals are killed. (Not to mention that the food may have been sitting in the store for a few weeks as well losing more and more nutrition every day.) It's a known fact that when vital nutrients are deficient in our bodies, THEN that is when diseases start to form in our bodies! With people eating less and less of the foods your body needs to replenish these nutrients, namely fruits and vegetables, and eat more and more of processed foods, NO WONDER obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases are on the rise!!!
I know some of you are thinking, "But I hate to eat my vegetables!" One REALLY good and tasty way to get these healing vitamins and minerals into our bodies is by juicing our fruits and vegetables. You can mix your fruits and vegetables and hardly even know you are drinking them. But don't let those fruit and vegetable juices you buy in the stores fool you into thinking that you are getting lots of vitamins and minerals when you drink them because you are NOT. They add lots of sugar and other harmful ingredients plus they have to heat it as well and that kills most of the nutrition out of it. I would LOVE to teach you how to do this and share the success I've had and others that I have worked with in getting healthy and losing weight. Please visit my website at: www.aspiringtofreedom.com to learn more of what I offer and then go to my "Contact Me" page to set up a FREE consultation with me.
Come join me on the journey to freedom through health and wellness! These are my thoughts and experiences of self discovery. Let's partner together on a journey to finding that thinner more healthier you!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
When was the last time you thought about good nutrution for yourself or your family?
How important is it to eat nutritionally? Have you ever thought about that question? We all know we should eat more healthy but do we know and understand WHY it is so important to eat meals that nourish our bodies? How important is your health to you?? I know as I grow older good health becomes more and more precious. When I talk about good health to my grown children they are like everyone else. They know they should eat more healthy but it isn't really a priority. When I was their age I thought the same exact way. "I feel good, I'm doing fine. Why worry about one more thing. My life is busy enough." But as we age, we don't feel quite so spunky. We aren't quite so limber. We feel a few more aches and pains. We don't see quite as well. We usually put on extra pounds and have a harder time getting it off. We don't sleep as soundly at night. We are a bit more tired. Our minds drift more to worrying about diseases.
I'm learning more and more how VERY important nutrition is!! Our bodies use the food to heal itself and re-build itself with the food we give it. We HAVE to change our mind set! Instead of thinking about food as a way to heal our bodies we think of food as a primary way of feeding our "emotions". When we feel sad, we eat. When we feel lonely, we eat. When we feel stressed, we eat. When we feel like celebrating, we eat. When we feel over whelmed, we eat. Do you get the picture? And when we feel these emotions what do we reach for? Carrots, Apples?? Not likely. We go for the candy bars, the snack cakes, sugary sodas, JUNK FOOD. Instead of mindlessly eating the junk food trying to fill that emotion, STOP for a minute and ask yourself, "What emotion you are trying to feed?" Become more aware! When you are aware, you have more choices. You then can either make a wise choice of food or find something else to do.
When we are filling ourselves with junk food we are starving ourselves of CRITICAL nutrition! How can your body heal itself if you are starving it of the vitamins and minerals it needs? As the years go on and we continue in bad eating habits, then slowly the weight packs on and then disease smacks us in the face. Diabetes, Heart disease, cancers, high blood pressure, etc. all are good possibilities of becoming a big part of our lives. I think that we tend to think, "Well these diseases don't run in my family so I'm safe." But the true fact of the matter is we can all get these diseases. They are not necessarily genetic. Just by eating badly we can eventually inflict these diseases on ourselves!
In my next post I will share with you a great way to get your fruits and vegetables in a fun and DELICIOUS way!
I'm learning more and more how VERY important nutrition is!! Our bodies use the food to heal itself and re-build itself with the food we give it. We HAVE to change our mind set! Instead of thinking about food as a way to heal our bodies we think of food as a primary way of feeding our "emotions". When we feel sad, we eat. When we feel lonely, we eat. When we feel stressed, we eat. When we feel like celebrating, we eat. When we feel over whelmed, we eat. Do you get the picture? And when we feel these emotions what do we reach for? Carrots, Apples?? Not likely. We go for the candy bars, the snack cakes, sugary sodas, JUNK FOOD. Instead of mindlessly eating the junk food trying to fill that emotion, STOP for a minute and ask yourself, "What emotion you are trying to feed?" Become more aware! When you are aware, you have more choices. You then can either make a wise choice of food or find something else to do.
When we are filling ourselves with junk food we are starving ourselves of CRITICAL nutrition! How can your body heal itself if you are starving it of the vitamins and minerals it needs? As the years go on and we continue in bad eating habits, then slowly the weight packs on and then disease smacks us in the face. Diabetes, Heart disease, cancers, high blood pressure, etc. all are good possibilities of becoming a big part of our lives. I think that we tend to think, "Well these diseases don't run in my family so I'm safe." But the true fact of the matter is we can all get these diseases. They are not necessarily genetic. Just by eating badly we can eventually inflict these diseases on ourselves!
In my next post I will share with you a great way to get your fruits and vegetables in a fun and DELICIOUS way!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
What do you consider SUCCESS?
What do you consider success when it comes to weight loss? Are you just interested in losing weight? Every single program I went on, losing the weight was the main focus! Is that what you consider success? Just losing 10, 20, 50 lbs.? I can't tell you how many times I lost the SAME 50 lbs. I tried diet after diet. They all had about the same focus, control what you eat and exercise, but they had a little different approach. Each time I would join one of these programs I would pray and wish that "This time was the LAST time I have to go on a diet!" But every single time the weight came right back on.
Einstein said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I know that there are some of you reading this blog post that want to lose weight but you don't want to try losing weight again out of fear of failing again. There are some of you that have gotten the courage to try it one more time and joined another weight loss program hoping that this will be the "last time" to have to diet again. Well I'm here to tell you that there is a way to get off that road to "insanity"! There is a BETTER way! There is a way to take it off that is much less painful and stressful and you can keep the weight off forever!
When you are taught to count every point, every calorie, every fat gram, every carb you put into your mouth and you have to live that way for the rest of your life in order to keep the weight off, THAT is CRAZY to me! You become consumed with food! What you put in your mouth becomes a full time job! Then there is the shake diets and the diet pill diets and the starve yourself diet and every other kind of crazy diet that you can think of out there! BOTTOM LINE: You will lose weight with these other diet plans BUT you will have to count whatever FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to KEEP the weight off! Or you will have to drink those shakes, take those pills, starve or what ever FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to KEEP the weight off! If that doesn't make sense to you, if that is something you find you can't do for the rest of your life then you have to ask yourself , "are you starting that program to just lose that weight temporarily? Or are you wanting to lose it for the LAST time?
Tomorrow I will tell you how I help you lose the weight for good! Stay tuned!
Einstein said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I know that there are some of you reading this blog post that want to lose weight but you don't want to try losing weight again out of fear of failing again. There are some of you that have gotten the courage to try it one more time and joined another weight loss program hoping that this will be the "last time" to have to diet again. Well I'm here to tell you that there is a way to get off that road to "insanity"! There is a BETTER way! There is a way to take it off that is much less painful and stressful and you can keep the weight off forever!
When you are taught to count every point, every calorie, every fat gram, every carb you put into your mouth and you have to live that way for the rest of your life in order to keep the weight off, THAT is CRAZY to me! You become consumed with food! What you put in your mouth becomes a full time job! Then there is the shake diets and the diet pill diets and the starve yourself diet and every other kind of crazy diet that you can think of out there! BOTTOM LINE: You will lose weight with these other diet plans BUT you will have to count whatever FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to KEEP the weight off! Or you will have to drink those shakes, take those pills, starve or what ever FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to KEEP the weight off! If that doesn't make sense to you, if that is something you find you can't do for the rest of your life then you have to ask yourself , "are you starting that program to just lose that weight temporarily? Or are you wanting to lose it for the LAST time?
Tomorrow I will tell you how I help you lose the weight for good! Stay tuned!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Can you be carrying around 5-10 lbs of "False Fat"?
One of the GREAT benefits of learning to slow down while you eat is that you also learn to hear or feel signals that your body is telling you. Your body will send you signals that you really never caught before. It's super important to start listening to it and recognize what it's telling you!
Since I've been eating much more healthier, I've noticed a few things that my body has been telling me and I never made the connection. I read an article the other day that was talking about food sensitivity. We can store from 5-10 extra pounds or more because of the reaction our body has to some foods. That's a LOT! I noticed in the last few months every time I ate anything with a lot of sugar in it, my stomach would just burn. You can also feel bloated caused by swelling or inflammation. In the article there was a list of the 7 most reactive foods that cause the most sensitivity. Here it is:
I have a definite reaction to sugar and peanuts. I can't eat either one without my stomach just feeling like it was on fire. So you might want to pay attention when you eat any of these foods and if you have a negative reaction to them, they might be causing you to carry around extra weight!
If you would like some help in training yourself to listen to what your body is telling you, please contact me through my website: http://www.aspiringtofreedom.com/
Since I've been eating much more healthier, I've noticed a few things that my body has been telling me and I never made the connection. I read an article the other day that was talking about food sensitivity. We can store from 5-10 extra pounds or more because of the reaction our body has to some foods. That's a LOT! I noticed in the last few months every time I ate anything with a lot of sugar in it, my stomach would just burn. You can also feel bloated caused by swelling or inflammation. In the article there was a list of the 7 most reactive foods that cause the most sensitivity. Here it is:
I have a definite reaction to sugar and peanuts. I can't eat either one without my stomach just feeling like it was on fire. So you might want to pay attention when you eat any of these foods and if you have a negative reaction to them, they might be causing you to carry around extra weight!
If you would like some help in training yourself to listen to what your body is telling you, please contact me through my website: http://www.aspiringtofreedom.com/
Monday, June 13, 2011
How are taking care of the weeds in your mind?
I truly hope that you are living a life with dreams and desires. Just living life from day to day with out hopes and dreams is living and only seeing things in black and white. There is no richness, no color, no emotion, no excitement! It's definitely worth taking that leap of faith!!
I want to give you something REALLY important to think about! I have a really GREAT question I want you to think about and then answer to yourself: Are you getting to the "Root" of your weight loss issues or are you continually fighting the battle by just cutting off the top of the weeds??? What happens in a garden when you go in and just cut the tops of the weeds without pulling the entire weed, root and all out? They continue to grow and to spread and make new weeds. So you are fighting more and more to keep them from stealing the nutrients that your vegetables need. Eventually the weeds starve out your vegetables and all you are left with is the weeds. You give up on the fight because the weeds have won and you lose out on all of the wonderful fresh vegetables. This is another reason why "diets" don't work. We are programed to work on getting off the weight. We all KNOW what we need to do to lose the weight but we aren't taught how to get to the "root" of what got us to the weight issues we have now. That is why we all experience the yo-yo dieting. "Dieting" is temporary! I have been trained and have the tools that will help you to find the "root" of your weight issues and dig them out so that you can make your next weight loss journey the LAST. Please go to http://www.aspiringtofreedom/ to learn more and get a hold of me from my "Contact Me" page and we will work together to end your battle with weight for the last time!
I want to give you something REALLY important to think about! I have a really GREAT question I want you to think about and then answer to yourself: Are you getting to the "Root" of your weight loss issues or are you continually fighting the battle by just cutting off the top of the weeds??? What happens in a garden when you go in and just cut the tops of the weeds without pulling the entire weed, root and all out? They continue to grow and to spread and make new weeds. So you are fighting more and more to keep them from stealing the nutrients that your vegetables need. Eventually the weeds starve out your vegetables and all you are left with is the weeds. You give up on the fight because the weeds have won and you lose out on all of the wonderful fresh vegetables. This is another reason why "diets" don't work. We are programed to work on getting off the weight. We all KNOW what we need to do to lose the weight but we aren't taught how to get to the "root" of what got us to the weight issues we have now. That is why we all experience the yo-yo dieting. "Dieting" is temporary! I have been trained and have the tools that will help you to find the "root" of your weight issues and dig them out so that you can make your next weight loss journey the LAST. Please go to http://www.aspiringtofreedom/ to learn more and get a hold of me from my "Contact Me" page and we will work together to end your battle with weight for the last time!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sunday moments (NEW)
I usually "rest" from my labors on Sundays. But I enjoy blogging so much that I thought I could blog about something positive I learned on Sunday or what ever my thoughts and feelings take me. So this is going to become a regular posting for me.
Today was a such a great day! I truly look forward each Sunday. Today I was pleasantly surprised because one of our young men is going to serve a church mission. It was his farewell. The meeting was filled with beautiful music that just made me cry because it was SO beautiful. Plus we got to hear his parents, brothers speak and then he spoke. I truly felt the Spirit so strong! I'm very happy for this young man and I have no doubts that he will do much good on his mission! He will be volunteering 2 years of his life to the service of the Lord. What an honor! The church was packed today with everyone friends and family from miles around to support him and wish him well. I know that he will be richly blessed and his family will as well. When our son served on his church mission our family never was blessed more! It was amazing!
I love our Savior, Jesus Christ with ALL my heart! I know he lives and loves each and every one of us. He cares deeply about each of us, even in the little things. He gave his life so that we might live again with Him, Heavenly Father and our families. I know that God lives and that he is our Heavenly Father. I'm grateful more than words can express that God allowed us to come to this earth and live as families. I'm grateful for my wonderful husband and our children and grandchildren. Life with out them would be a totally sad and lonely way to live. They are my best friends. I'm so grateful that we are so close. When we get together it is a very special time for me. I hope and pray that you had a very special Sunday as well! Talk to you more tomorrow!
Today was a such a great day! I truly look forward each Sunday. Today I was pleasantly surprised because one of our young men is going to serve a church mission. It was his farewell. The meeting was filled with beautiful music that just made me cry because it was SO beautiful. Plus we got to hear his parents, brothers speak and then he spoke. I truly felt the Spirit so strong! I'm very happy for this young man and I have no doubts that he will do much good on his mission! He will be volunteering 2 years of his life to the service of the Lord. What an honor! The church was packed today with everyone friends and family from miles around to support him and wish him well. I know that he will be richly blessed and his family will as well. When our son served on his church mission our family never was blessed more! It was amazing!
I love our Savior, Jesus Christ with ALL my heart! I know he lives and loves each and every one of us. He cares deeply about each of us, even in the little things. He gave his life so that we might live again with Him, Heavenly Father and our families. I know that God lives and that he is our Heavenly Father. I'm grateful more than words can express that God allowed us to come to this earth and live as families. I'm grateful for my wonderful husband and our children and grandchildren. Life with out them would be a totally sad and lonely way to live. They are my best friends. I'm so grateful that we are so close. When we get together it is a very special time for me. I hope and pray that you had a very special Sunday as well! Talk to you more tomorrow!
Jesus Christ,
missionary work,
Saturday, June 11, 2011
"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
Since I've started this weight loss journey in Feb. I've has SO many really exciting "Ah-Ha" moments. It's been so much fun for me and the way I look at weight loss and my life on this journey has just taken a 180 degree turn. That is what truly motivates me to want to help others with their weight issues! Through out the last 30 years when I would start to think about losing weight, first I would have to work myself up to start the battle again and then the number on the scale would be my main focus along with the "counting" of points, calories, carbs or what ever else I was suppose to be counting. It drove me CRAZY for about 5-6 months until I reached my goal.
Since learning that "dieting" will most always be a temporary fix and causes people to continue to gain weight over the years, I have learned so many wonderful truths! Some thing that has been life changing to me is that I have learned NOT to focus on the weight loss or the number on the scale but to focus on my habits. I know some of you may say that is a no brainer. But for those of you that have struggled with weight, you know what I mean. When I would get on the scales and the number didn't go down or even went up, that would totally crush me! It would take me several days to pull myself out of the slump. I would feel like such a failure and sometimes tell myself, "Well since I messed up again I might as well eat that candy bar." Then for a few days I would really struggle to get back up on the wagon. THAT is what I mean by "dieting" is just a FIGHT for me! I really hated it! Negative thoughts were something I lived with off and on through out the dieting. All the guilt, deprivation, feelings of being a failure, losing hope at times just haunted me.
This year I have learned that I truly need to have a clear goal of size and weight BUT not to have that ALL I think about or focus on. I now focus on my HABITS. I am thinking often about ways that can help me reach my goal. I don't put a time limit when I'm going to reach my goal because I don't want the added pressure. Because what I've come to learn is that when I work on and conquer my habits THEN my body's natural response will be to let go of the weight. I've learned to totally let go of the numbers and focus on the habits and then just wait and be patient with my body as it lets go of the weight. This was FREEDOM to me!! I can't tell you how freeing that was. I do still weigh myself 1-2 times a week but there is NO guilt no matter what the numbers are! This is not a race for me! If it takes a year to lose the weight I want then that's just fine with me. Making this my absolutely LAST time I go down this journey and getting healthy is WAY more important to me than how fast I can get the weight off! This is one of the big lessons in making this a lifestyle and keeping the weight off for GOOD! I've lost 20 lbs. and I know without a doubt that this 20 lbs will never come back again because I totally think differently. If you are having a hard time trying to lose weight and are needing someone to help keep you accountable and guide you, please get in touch with me. I'd be happy to help! For more information on how I can help you or finding out how to contact me please visit my website at: http://www.aspiringtofreedom.com/
Since learning that "dieting" will most always be a temporary fix and causes people to continue to gain weight over the years, I have learned so many wonderful truths! Some thing that has been life changing to me is that I have learned NOT to focus on the weight loss or the number on the scale but to focus on my habits. I know some of you may say that is a no brainer. But for those of you that have struggled with weight, you know what I mean. When I would get on the scales and the number didn't go down or even went up, that would totally crush me! It would take me several days to pull myself out of the slump. I would feel like such a failure and sometimes tell myself, "Well since I messed up again I might as well eat that candy bar." Then for a few days I would really struggle to get back up on the wagon. THAT is what I mean by "dieting" is just a FIGHT for me! I really hated it! Negative thoughts were something I lived with off and on through out the dieting. All the guilt, deprivation, feelings of being a failure, losing hope at times just haunted me.
This year I have learned that I truly need to have a clear goal of size and weight BUT not to have that ALL I think about or focus on. I now focus on my HABITS. I am thinking often about ways that can help me reach my goal. I don't put a time limit when I'm going to reach my goal because I don't want the added pressure. Because what I've come to learn is that when I work on and conquer my habits THEN my body's natural response will be to let go of the weight. I've learned to totally let go of the numbers and focus on the habits and then just wait and be patient with my body as it lets go of the weight. This was FREEDOM to me!! I can't tell you how freeing that was. I do still weigh myself 1-2 times a week but there is NO guilt no matter what the numbers are! This is not a race for me! If it takes a year to lose the weight I want then that's just fine with me. Making this my absolutely LAST time I go down this journey and getting healthy is WAY more important to me than how fast I can get the weight off! This is one of the big lessons in making this a lifestyle and keeping the weight off for GOOD! I've lost 20 lbs. and I know without a doubt that this 20 lbs will never come back again because I totally think differently. If you are having a hard time trying to lose weight and are needing someone to help keep you accountable and guide you, please get in touch with me. I'd be happy to help! For more information on how I can help you or finding out how to contact me please visit my website at: http://www.aspiringtofreedom.com/
Friday, June 10, 2011
The first step in losing weight for GOOD!
We live in a world that wants everything right now and we have turned into speed demons! Where has that gotten us? We have SO many more health issues because of the "speed disease". We have uncontrollable stress levels. We have heart problems and high blood pressure. Think about all the drugs that have come out in the last few years that treat Acid Reflux. This is definitely a symptom of high stress living. And one consequence of the speed disease is obesity. Even low levels of constant stress can be harmful to our health. It can be attributed to Insulin resistance. This is where our cells become unresponsive to insulin, a factor in diabetes, weight gain, heart disease and aging. I could go on and on about the harmful affects that living a life of stress can have on our physical health, not to mention what havoc it plays on our emotional health.
So what is the cure for the "speed disease"? It's called SLOWING DOWN! You might ask, how can slowing down help me with my weight loss? Here's the secret. I once had a client tell me that the reason why they had weight issues was because they liked food to much but they were able to eat a plate of food in 6 minutes. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that there are a lot of people that are exactly in the same boat! Could you be one of them? Have you ever timed yourself to see how quickly you eat a meal? The 64 dollar question is, "If we LOVE food that much, why in the world are we not slowing down to eat and REALLY enjoy the food we eat?" We mindlessly eat a meal barely even enjoying the taste of our food. What happens when we do this? We have all heard that it takes 20 minutes for our brains to get the message that we are full. Think about it. If we shoveled food into our bodies for 20 minutes, think about how much food we would be eating? We would be eating a whole plateful and then going back for 2nds and maybe even 3rds. WOW that's a lot of food and CALORIES! Now lets turn that around. What if you took a saucer instead of a large dinner plate (portion control) and filled that plate (not overflowing) with food and then took 20 minutes to eat that meal? You would chew each bit several times, REALLY enjoying the flavor of the food, putting your fork down between each bite, taking a deep breath, enjoying the smell and the texture of the food, and tasting the spices. Think about the calories you save from just slowing down and really enjoying your meal! If you try this, you will be very surprised at the difference it makes. I've been eating this way for 4 months now and it's been amazing! I actually get full eating a much smaller amount of food and eating is so much more enjoyable! I've lost 20 lbs and it's continuing to come off. Now after saying that I want to say there is more that I'm doing but this was the start and a HUGE "Ah-Ha" moment for me that was the beginning of how I think about food. Eating like a speed demon has become a part of who you are as a society so it will take a real conscious effort to make the change. You have to re-program your mind to change this habit. But try it!! You will really be surprised at the difference it makes! If you are wanting someone to help you on your weight loss journey please contact me at: aspiringtofreedom@gmail.com Also for more information on what a weight loss coach can do for you please visit my site at: www.aspiringtofreedom.com
So what is the cure for the "speed disease"? It's called SLOWING DOWN! You might ask, how can slowing down help me with my weight loss? Here's the secret. I once had a client tell me that the reason why they had weight issues was because they liked food to much but they were able to eat a plate of food in 6 minutes. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that there are a lot of people that are exactly in the same boat! Could you be one of them? Have you ever timed yourself to see how quickly you eat a meal? The 64 dollar question is, "If we LOVE food that much, why in the world are we not slowing down to eat and REALLY enjoy the food we eat?" We mindlessly eat a meal barely even enjoying the taste of our food. What happens when we do this? We have all heard that it takes 20 minutes for our brains to get the message that we are full. Think about it. If we shoveled food into our bodies for 20 minutes, think about how much food we would be eating? We would be eating a whole plateful and then going back for 2nds and maybe even 3rds. WOW that's a lot of food and CALORIES! Now lets turn that around. What if you took a saucer instead of a large dinner plate (portion control) and filled that plate (not overflowing) with food and then took 20 minutes to eat that meal? You would chew each bit several times, REALLY enjoying the flavor of the food, putting your fork down between each bite, taking a deep breath, enjoying the smell and the texture of the food, and tasting the spices. Think about the calories you save from just slowing down and really enjoying your meal! If you try this, you will be very surprised at the difference it makes. I've been eating this way for 4 months now and it's been amazing! I actually get full eating a much smaller amount of food and eating is so much more enjoyable! I've lost 20 lbs and it's continuing to come off. Now after saying that I want to say there is more that I'm doing but this was the start and a HUGE "Ah-Ha" moment for me that was the beginning of how I think about food. Eating like a speed demon has become a part of who you are as a society so it will take a real conscious effort to make the change. You have to re-program your mind to change this habit. But try it!! You will really be surprised at the difference it makes! If you are wanting someone to help you on your weight loss journey please contact me at: aspiringtofreedom@gmail.com Also for more information on what a weight loss coach can do for you please visit my site at: www.aspiringtofreedom.com
Thursday, June 9, 2011
You can't lose if you don't move!
I want to clarify my title a bit. You can lose weight with out exercise but it is harder and you don't get the toned body with nice lines and the health benefits that you would if you include exercising. It's important to ask yourself, "Are you interested in just numbers or are you wanting the whole package of getting that thinner, leaner, healthier body?" If you are going to take on the effort of losing weight, what is your complete goal? If it is just the numbers on the scale then you probably will not keep the weight off. Moving your body everyday is an important part of keeping the weight off. If you research those people who have lost weight and kept it off for long periods of time, they have included daily exercise. Think about it! Our bodies were made to MOVE not sitting all day. Now when I say "move" that doesn't mean an hour of grueling hard core work outs. Find something that you LOVE to do, dancing, swimming, power walking, hiking, bowling, gardening, ect. Finding something that you truly love will be the key to making moving a habit and part of your everyday life. You will look forward to moving your body and being active again. There a SO many benefits to exercise. Some of you may say, "I just am so tired when I get home from work that I don't want to do anything." What if I told you that exercise is the cure for being tired all the time. If you want more energy get out and move. You will not only have energy but you will feel so much better. You will have a clearer mind and be happier. Some of you may think you don't have time. Have you ever heard of the acronym N.E.A.T.? NEAT stands for nonexercise activity thermogenesis. What that means is all the energy you burn during the day that is not your standard exercising. This is very important to understand. You can burn more calories each day by increasing your NEAT. Ways you can do this is by: standing instead of sitting while putting on your make up, wash your car by hand instead of running through the car wash, mow your lawn with a push mower instead of a riding mower, do yard work, doing extra work around the house, taking your dog for a walk, ride your bike around the block, park farther from the store and get more steps in, ect. Learn to be aware of what you are doing during the day. Be creative in thinking up some fun ways you can move during the day to get more steps in or activity in. If you sit at a desk all day takes breaks to stretch and move several times a day, take the stairs instead of the elevator, sit on an exercise ball and move around while sitting at your desk, walk to get some lunch instead of driving your car, ect. You can burn an extra 100-150 calories an hour by increasing NEAT. That is huge! The point is the more time you spend in moving, the more calories you will burn and it doesn't have to be a knock yourself dead work out! JUST GET MOVING! If you need more information please visit my website at: http://www.aspiringtofreedom.com/ You can get my email address there as well. I'd love to help you!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The poorer the quality of food we eat, the more QUANTITY we'll consume!
When I started my weight loss journey for the LAST time, I learned the importance of eating the best quality foods I could get my hands on. We hadn't planted a good garden in years. So I decided that this was the year to do it. We planted red potatoes, cabbage, onions, asparagus, cucumbers, 3 kinds of squash, rhubarb, sunflowers, okra, tomatoes and more! (We did go a little crazy!) When we were in the store buying seeds our mouths just started watering thinking about all this FRESH yummy food that we were going to be eating this summer. I wanted to plant enough so I could put some in the freezer as well so we could eat it during the winter months. And it didn't stop at the garden. I love meals that include chicken! We set up a large pen and went out and bought chickens! I love getting up early in the morning to listen to the roosters crow! We also raise a few cows to have our own beef. I realize not everyone lives on a place where they can plant a huge garden or have any animals but that is not a problem!!! There are farmers markets everywhere. You just have to look for them. I just googled "Farmers Markets in Oklahoma" and got lots of information! When you go you can as the vender if the vegtables are organic or not. They will tell you. This is SO important! You don't want to eat produce that has been sprayed with pesticides. With all the diseases that are sky rocketing it sure makes me think twice about what we are eating! Also a lot of the produce we buy in the stores may have been sitting for quite a while and has lost a lot of it's nutritional value. Our bodies recognize when we are eating food that is poorer quality and feels like it needs more so we eat more to compensate for the lack in nutrition.
Also there are lots of cattle ranchers that raise good quality beef that is not full of steroids and other chemicals. We have such a small herd we don't have a lot of extra beef but I am in contact with a rancher that has the best beef you'll ever eat that sells beef once a year. If you would like his information please get in touch with me and I'll be happy to share that information with you.We tend to forget that the food we eat heals, protects, nourishes, gives us life and energy and helps determine the quality of life we have. Think about what you are putting in your body. Are you giving yourself good quality food that will help you to live life to the fullest????
Need help with getting the health and body your want? Let me help you! Give me a call: 918-348-1661 and make an appointment today!
Just food for thought:
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Changing from the inside out!!

If you are wanting to lose weight there are 3 VERY important components that you must incorporated into your lifestyle. Getting healthy and thin is much like using this 3 legged stool.
- The first leg represents: Eating healthy meals and watching your portions.
- The second leg represents: Moving your body!
- The third leg represents: Getting your mind in line with your goals.
For years and years I've "dieted" and have lost the same 50 pounds over and over again only to gain the weight right back! I was missing one of the components that I have come to believe is probably the most important and that was getting my mind in line with my goals. About 2 years ago I lost a lot of weight and I felt great! BUT after the "newness" of losing all that weight wore off I began to feel uncomfortable with myself. I felt like I was not living my "normal" life, almost like a hypocrite. I felt strange in my new body. So I began to go back to what felt "normal" to me and I went back all my bad habits where I felt comfortable. And within a year I gained it all back and then some. Then the vicious cycle started again. I started feeling like a failure again. It wasn't until this year that I FINALLY figured it out and was able to put words to what I was feeling and what happened. I've always been successful in losing weight but I'd always put it back on. What happened was that I lost the weight on my body but in my mind I hadn't lost the weight. I continued living like an over weight person even though I was slim and trim. What I've learned is that our unconscious mind is where our body's control center is and if we haven't changed our thoughts, our self image, our habits, and our behaviors there FIRST then we will live in that Yo-Yo dieting cycle for as long as we can take it and then finally give up. I would LOVE to help you learn to change your control center to be a tool that helps you to lose weight for good! Please go to: http://www.aspiringtofreedom.com/ to learn more and contact me. I know together we can fight your last fight with weight and find the new thinner you!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Houston, we have a LAUNCH!!
I once read that starting a new business is like birthing a baby and I believe I'm birthing TWINS! LOL My new career is launched! I am a Professional Certified Life Coach and I'm specializing in Health and Wellness. I have taken and finished my Certification in becoming a Certified Weight Loss Coach. I'm on my own personal journey to loosing weight and I've successfully lost 11 lbs since Feb. 15th. WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!! I will reach my goal weight by Sept 26th. I'm still working on tying up the loose ends of finishing my website. I have my business cards finished, next week I will finish my brochures and then I'm headed for network meetings, talking to people and groups.
I can not hardly believe in how much my life has changed and the direction it is moving in. I TRULY would never have believed that I would be where I am now 15-20 years ago. It is just amazing. I can't hardly explain how I feel. The gratitude I have is huge!! My future is SO clear. I know with out a doubt where I'm headed for the first time in my life. The road to freedom is the path that I've found and it's truly exciting. Success, HERE I COME!
I am loosing weight the NATURAL WAY!!! No torture!!! No counting anything! Being sensible. I'm NOT taking any diet pills. NO gimmicky diets. I'm NOT on a diet. I've learned what a "life style change" really is! I'm just eating right and great tasting meals that are home cooked! NO deprivation, NO starving yourself to death, NO packaged diet meals. This is extremely exciting to me! If you are interested, I am going to be starting up my 2nd Weight Loss group soon and I will be taking 4-5 clients in each group. I know without a doubt that this will be the VERY last time I will be loosing weight ever again! I have the knowledge and the tools AND the mindset to do this. I would love to share this with you. You can contact me at: aspiringtofreedom@gmail.com for more information!
I can not hardly believe in how much my life has changed and the direction it is moving in. I TRULY would never have believed that I would be where I am now 15-20 years ago. It is just amazing. I can't hardly explain how I feel. The gratitude I have is huge!! My future is SO clear. I know with out a doubt where I'm headed for the first time in my life. The road to freedom is the path that I've found and it's truly exciting. Success, HERE I COME!
I am loosing weight the NATURAL WAY!!! No torture!!! No counting anything! Being sensible. I'm NOT taking any diet pills. NO gimmicky diets. I'm NOT on a diet. I've learned what a "life style change" really is! I'm just eating right and great tasting meals that are home cooked! NO deprivation, NO starving yourself to death, NO packaged diet meals. This is extremely exciting to me! If you are interested, I am going to be starting up my 2nd Weight Loss group soon and I will be taking 4-5 clients in each group. I know without a doubt that this will be the VERY last time I will be loosing weight ever again! I have the knowledge and the tools AND the mindset to do this. I would love to share this with you. You can contact me at: aspiringtofreedom@gmail.com for more information!
Friday, February 25, 2011
How full is your cup?
"People living in scarcity see the cup half empty.
People who are positive thinkers see the cup as half full.
People who are living in abundance see the cup as overflowing.
But people who are living into their greatness ARE the cup!"- Kim George
Imagine for a minute, what would your life look like or feel like if you were living in your greatness? What would you see or hear? I hope that we all get to the point that we are motivated enough to at least to think about it. Are you happy where you are in life or not? Are you at least on the right path to your greatness? Do you even know what your greatness is? What my idea of greatness is may be different than yours and that is ok. We are all individuals with different dreams. Your expectations may or may not be higher or your greatness may take you in a whole different direction and that is wonderful! That is what makes our world so fantastic!
Life is truly to short to "just live". I believe with all my heart that we were born with greatness within us whether we know it or not. We just have to discover what that greatness is and LIVE IT! I see life so much more exciting, satisfying and fulfilling when we are living in our greatness. When we find our greatness and are working towards it, we feel more in control of our lives. We are MAKING life happen. We are setting goals and looking towards the future. We know the end results as clear as day. The other day I had some time to just ponder while I was driving and I was thinking almost in a prayer and I was looking at my dreams. All of the sudden I was THERE. I clearly saw myself living my dream. I felt what it's going to feel like when I accomplish my dream and for a split second I was THERE. I was looking back at my journey and I felt like "I FINALLY MADE IT!!!!!" It was the most undescribable feeling I've ever had. I felt huge relief. I felt like the fight was finally over. At that moment I knew I could accomplish all I wanted to accomplish! How grateful I am for that experince. It will be a great motivator in helping me to always press forward!
My challange for you today is to define what YOUR greatness is. What does it look like and feel like? What do you see and hear? Then set some goals and start your journey! Leave a comment and let me know how it goes!
People who are positive thinkers see the cup as half full.
People who are living in abundance see the cup as overflowing.
But people who are living into their greatness ARE the cup!"- Kim George
Imagine for a minute, what would your life look like or feel like if you were living in your greatness? What would you see or hear? I hope that we all get to the point that we are motivated enough to at least to think about it. Are you happy where you are in life or not? Are you at least on the right path to your greatness? Do you even know what your greatness is? What my idea of greatness is may be different than yours and that is ok. We are all individuals with different dreams. Your expectations may or may not be higher or your greatness may take you in a whole different direction and that is wonderful! That is what makes our world so fantastic!
Life is truly to short to "just live". I believe with all my heart that we were born with greatness within us whether we know it or not. We just have to discover what that greatness is and LIVE IT! I see life so much more exciting, satisfying and fulfilling when we are living in our greatness. When we find our greatness and are working towards it, we feel more in control of our lives. We are MAKING life happen. We are setting goals and looking towards the future. We know the end results as clear as day. The other day I had some time to just ponder while I was driving and I was thinking almost in a prayer and I was looking at my dreams. All of the sudden I was THERE. I clearly saw myself living my dream. I felt what it's going to feel like when I accomplish my dream and for a split second I was THERE. I was looking back at my journey and I felt like "I FINALLY MADE IT!!!!!" It was the most undescribable feeling I've ever had. I felt huge relief. I felt like the fight was finally over. At that moment I knew I could accomplish all I wanted to accomplish! How grateful I am for that experince. It will be a great motivator in helping me to always press forward!
My challange for you today is to define what YOUR greatness is. What does it look like and feel like? What do you see and hear? Then set some goals and start your journey! Leave a comment and let me know how it goes!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
What's in your dreams?
The longer you wait for the future, the shorter it will be! -"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."- Anatole France Do you ever dream??? If not, WHAT'S STOPPING YOU? Are you working towards your dream? Are you living your dream right now? Or are you just living what ever life hands you? I guess I can honestly say that I have been living my entire life up til the last 6 months with what ever life handed me, other than the blessing of being able to stay at home and raise my children. That was a dream of mine for forever and I am TRULY grateful for those years and will always cherish them. But the kids are all gone now and have been for about 4 1/2 yrs now and I just felt kind of lost and unfulfilled. I tried to do a few things but they just really didn't fit. They didn't really feel the void I was feeling. This last year I have been REALLY exploring different avenues that I thought might be fulfilling to me and bring me a sense of satisfaction in my life. I came across some personal development CD's and even went to an all day company seminar that just opened my eyes WIDE open to the possibility if I was able to dream it, I was able to BECOME it! Since then my life has not been the same!!!!! Even though I'm not there yet the journey has been SO powerful! I've learned more about myself and what I really can accomplish if I put my mind to it than I have in years and years. I truly feel free!
This is what I wish for you!!!!! If you are afraid to dream, start small. If you don't have faith in yourself or the fact that your dreams can come true, TRY IT!!!!!! What do you have to loose? You just have to believe, plan, and work on it! Dreaming to me is one of the most fun things to do in my quiet time or when I'm exercising. My challenge for you today is to find some quiet time to dream today. Really ponder on what would really motivate you in your life, what would fulfill you, what would really make you happy? Then in the next day or two come up with a plan on how you can make that dream come true. Let me know how it goes!!!! Please feel free to leave a comment. I would LOVE, LOVE to hear about some the dreams you decide to work on and how you are doing working towards them!
This is what I wish for you!!!!! If you are afraid to dream, start small. If you don't have faith in yourself or the fact that your dreams can come true, TRY IT!!!!!! What do you have to loose? You just have to believe, plan, and work on it! Dreaming to me is one of the most fun things to do in my quiet time or when I'm exercising. My challenge for you today is to find some quiet time to dream today. Really ponder on what would really motivate you in your life, what would fulfill you, what would really make you happy? Then in the next day or two come up with a plan on how you can make that dream come true. Let me know how it goes!!!! Please feel free to leave a comment. I would LOVE, LOVE to hear about some the dreams you decide to work on and how you are doing working towards them!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Is the word "failure" a common part of your vocabulary????
"If at first you don't succeed, you're running about average." -Unkown
It's SO important to understand that as we work towards our goals and dreams that making a mistake or even failing at something is a very important part of the end results of your goal or dream. It is VERY rare that someone achieves their dreams over night. It is a process and a journey. Think of it this way. For every mistake or failure you make, that is one piece of the puzzle that you have put into place that makes the picture more clear. It is just one step closer in achieving your goal. You will have learned what doesn't work and that IS truly part of success!
Some people define themselves from all the mistakes they've made and just beat up on themselves. This road NEVER leads to success! The Lance Armstrong's of this world fight back even harder when they are faced with failure. Failure should never ever define who we are!! Often we take one step forward and 2 steps backward but EACH step is important and should be considered as something very positive. Think about how much sweeter your reward will be after you've had to persevere through all the mistakes and successes end up on the other side as a much wiser and stronger person. You will feel as though you've EARNED your reward instead of someone just giving it to you. You will have gained greater knowledge from your mistakes. That is a huge blessing in and of itself!
Count mistakes or failures as lessons learned and celebrate the sucesses! You are not the only one who makes mistakes. Keep trying you will eventually achieve your dreams!
If you are feeling like a failure and just can't seem to get past it, please contact me and I will be happy to visit with you!
It's SO important to understand that as we work towards our goals and dreams that making a mistake or even failing at something is a very important part of the end results of your goal or dream. It is VERY rare that someone achieves their dreams over night. It is a process and a journey. Think of it this way. For every mistake or failure you make, that is one piece of the puzzle that you have put into place that makes the picture more clear. It is just one step closer in achieving your goal. You will have learned what doesn't work and that IS truly part of success!
Some people define themselves from all the mistakes they've made and just beat up on themselves. This road NEVER leads to success! The Lance Armstrong's of this world fight back even harder when they are faced with failure. Failure should never ever define who we are!! Often we take one step forward and 2 steps backward but EACH step is important and should be considered as something very positive. Think about how much sweeter your reward will be after you've had to persevere through all the mistakes and successes end up on the other side as a much wiser and stronger person. You will feel as though you've EARNED your reward instead of someone just giving it to you. You will have gained greater knowledge from your mistakes. That is a huge blessing in and of itself!
Count mistakes or failures as lessons learned and celebrate the sucesses! You are not the only one who makes mistakes. Keep trying you will eventually achieve your dreams!
If you are feeling like a failure and just can't seem to get past it, please contact me and I will be happy to visit with you!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
What is the difference between living and learning????
"There is no difference between living and learning...it is impossible and misleading and harmful to think of them as being separate." - John Holt, author
Have you ever thought about if there is any difference between living and learning? I think the natural tendency for us is to want them to be separate because sometimes when we think of learning we know there is going to be some degree of pain associated with learning. Learning stretches us to places that sometimes hurt. We like to travel the road of least resistance.
But think about it for a minute. What kind of life would we have if there wasn't learning, forever staying in the same place in life? Take a minute and look back at how far you've come in life. Look at all the good, bad and the ugly that you've traveled through in your life. It hasn't always been easy. Some of us may have experienced a tremendous amount of pain in a "Life Changing" event. Look at how much you learned and grown. Look at the strength you've gained. Look at the power you now have. Look at the wonderful lessons you've learned. WOW!! Isn't that exciting!!! When I did this exercise I had such a greater sense of gratitude for all the good as well as the bad. Because I know if it wasn't for the bad, I would be a very different person than I am now. I know I don't want to be at the place I was, maybe 15 or 20 yrs ago. I like the person I've become through all the big and little bumps in the road that got me to where I am now.
What has YOUR life taught you?
I'd like to challenge you today to think about this question for a day or two and then sit down and write your answer in a journal. This will be a powerful moment for you. And then the next time a huge boulder drops in your path read your journal entry and it will be a huge help in you overcoming that challenge.
I'd like to close with one last thought I read today from Spark People Healthy Reflections. "Having a positive attitude can deflate even the scariest situation. Overcoming adversity can help you achieve the extraordinary!"
Have you ever thought about if there is any difference between living and learning? I think the natural tendency for us is to want them to be separate because sometimes when we think of learning we know there is going to be some degree of pain associated with learning. Learning stretches us to places that sometimes hurt. We like to travel the road of least resistance.
But think about it for a minute. What kind of life would we have if there wasn't learning, forever staying in the same place in life? Take a minute and look back at how far you've come in life. Look at all the good, bad and the ugly that you've traveled through in your life. It hasn't always been easy. Some of us may have experienced a tremendous amount of pain in a "Life Changing" event. Look at how much you learned and grown. Look at the strength you've gained. Look at the power you now have. Look at the wonderful lessons you've learned. WOW!! Isn't that exciting!!! When I did this exercise I had such a greater sense of gratitude for all the good as well as the bad. Because I know if it wasn't for the bad, I would be a very different person than I am now. I know I don't want to be at the place I was, maybe 15 or 20 yrs ago. I like the person I've become through all the big and little bumps in the road that got me to where I am now.
What has YOUR life taught you?
I'd like to challenge you today to think about this question for a day or two and then sit down and write your answer in a journal. This will be a powerful moment for you. And then the next time a huge boulder drops in your path read your journal entry and it will be a huge help in you overcoming that challenge.
I'd like to close with one last thought I read today from Spark People Healthy Reflections. "Having a positive attitude can deflate even the scariest situation. Overcoming adversity can help you achieve the extraordinary!"
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Do you play the "Blame Game?"
I just read this quote this morning and felt that it is TRULY PROFOUND! I'd like to share it with you.
"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are YOUR OWN. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny."
- Albert Ellis
There are so many of us that blame our mothers, ex-husbands, our bosses, our jobs, our what ever for our unhappiness. This is such a cop-out! It is true our experiences in our lives affect us, BUT, HOW they affect us is OUR choice! I like the words my sister in law used one time. Sometimes "we have to put on our big girl panties" and accept our circumstances and make the tough choices instead of living in our self pity and and continuing to blame others for our saddness or circumstances. We then believe that they some how owe us. That line of living and thinking traps us and we are truly stuck not able to move forward in life.
When we get to the point of owning our problems, WOW, we finally are set free! We break the chains that we've trapped ourselves in and we start taking control of our life. We see opportunities that we never saw before. We see doors open that we never saw before. Our future looks SO much brighter!!!! We find FREEDOM!
We will continue to experience challenges in our lives. That is just life. But WE will be in control instead of letting our situation or blame control us. We will look for solutions instead of blaming others. We will have the ablity to fight back and create a future that brings true happiness in our lives!
If you are stuck in life blaming others and you need to get out. Get in touch with me and I will help you find your way out of the blame game.
"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are YOUR OWN. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny."
- Albert Ellis
There are so many of us that blame our mothers, ex-husbands, our bosses, our jobs, our what ever for our unhappiness. This is such a cop-out! It is true our experiences in our lives affect us, BUT, HOW they affect us is OUR choice! I like the words my sister in law used one time. Sometimes "we have to put on our big girl panties" and accept our circumstances and make the tough choices instead of living in our self pity and and continuing to blame others for our saddness or circumstances. We then believe that they some how owe us. That line of living and thinking traps us and we are truly stuck not able to move forward in life.
When we get to the point of owning our problems, WOW, we finally are set free! We break the chains that we've trapped ourselves in and we start taking control of our life. We see opportunities that we never saw before. We see doors open that we never saw before. Our future looks SO much brighter!!!! We find FREEDOM!
We will continue to experience challenges in our lives. That is just life. But WE will be in control instead of letting our situation or blame control us. We will look for solutions instead of blaming others. We will have the ablity to fight back and create a future that brings true happiness in our lives!
If you are stuck in life blaming others and you need to get out. Get in touch with me and I will help you find your way out of the blame game.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Miracle of Giving
I was reading the other day that there is an age old tradition among the Buddhist Monks that they still practice today. They get up early each morning to collect simple donations of rice or curry from the people in their community. It's interesting to note that this food is never eaten by them or others. The Monks collect these donations for the simple reason of giving their people the experience of the joy of giving.
In what ways do you give? Do you give yourself the blessing of giving? People tend to not realize that when we give of ourselves, we in turn are given something very special back. Something so big that it can help with loneliness, depression, feelings of low self worth, and the list can go on and on. Whether we have money, talents, time, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or anything that can be given, it must be shared!
I believe with all my heart that giving of ourselves is one of the biggest thing in life that we are suppose learn. With life SO, SO busy now, giving is becoming less and less in the for front of our minds because we are just trying to get through the day.
There is one of my most favorite quotes that I've shared with you before from Oliver Wendell Holmes and I think it is very applicable to this subject. He said, "The biggest tragedy is the waste of human resources. The average person goes to his grave with his music still in him." It is not only the biggest tragedy for human kind but it is also the biggest tragedy of life for us personally by NOT SHARING OUR OWN MUSIC!!!! Hanging on to or with holding what we could share with others wastes opportunities and we fail to leave such a positive mark in our world for the better.
If you are feeling frustrated, stuck in life, or don't know how to reach your goals, please contact me and I'd be happy to help coach you through your roadblocks!
In what ways do you give? Do you give yourself the blessing of giving? People tend to not realize that when we give of ourselves, we in turn are given something very special back. Something so big that it can help with loneliness, depression, feelings of low self worth, and the list can go on and on. Whether we have money, talents, time, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or anything that can be given, it must be shared!
I believe with all my heart that giving of ourselves is one of the biggest thing in life that we are suppose learn. With life SO, SO busy now, giving is becoming less and less in the for front of our minds because we are just trying to get through the day.
There is one of my most favorite quotes that I've shared with you before from Oliver Wendell Holmes and I think it is very applicable to this subject. He said, "The biggest tragedy is the waste of human resources. The average person goes to his grave with his music still in him." It is not only the biggest tragedy for human kind but it is also the biggest tragedy of life for us personally by NOT SHARING OUR OWN MUSIC!!!! Hanging on to or with holding what we could share with others wastes opportunities and we fail to leave such a positive mark in our world for the better.
If you are feeling frustrated, stuck in life, or don't know how to reach your goals, please contact me and I'd be happy to help coach you through your roadblocks!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Do you look for the "greener grass" on the other side of the fence?
Do you feel short changed or are you comparing your life with others lives? Helen Keller truly helps us to put things into perspective! She said: "Instead of comparing our lot with that of those who are more fortunate than we are, we should compare it with the lot of the great majority of our fellow men. It then appears that we are among the privileged."
I absolutely LOVE this quote!!!! When you think of the world as whole, we are VERY rich! Think about it! If you have 3 meals a day to eat you are better off than 925 MILLION people today. If you live in a home with running water and electricity and bathroom facilities you are better off than 1.6 BILLION people. There are over 100 MILLION people that are totally homeless! If you own a car you are blessed to be in the 8% of the world population. There are 1 out of 4 people that don't have clean drinking water to drink. If you can go to your kitchen faucet and get a drink of water any time you want you are VERY blessed. If you can read this blog, you are better off than 42 MILLION adults here in the US that can't read at all.
I think it is SO important to take a look at what we DO have at least once a week, especially when we start comparing our lives to other people's lives, thinking that their "grass" is greener than ours. Make a list of the blessings you do have helps us to see things as they really are! If you still feel you are being short changed in life, then list 3 things you can do right now to make some changes and then GET TO WORK! After practicing these techniques over time, who knows your life may become someone else's "greener grass"!
If you are stuck in life and want to take your life in a different direction and you don't know where to start, contact me and we can develop a plan to get you where you want to go!
I absolutely LOVE this quote!!!! When you think of the world as whole, we are VERY rich! Think about it! If you have 3 meals a day to eat you are better off than 925 MILLION people today. If you live in a home with running water and electricity and bathroom facilities you are better off than 1.6 BILLION people. There are over 100 MILLION people that are totally homeless! If you own a car you are blessed to be in the 8% of the world population. There are 1 out of 4 people that don't have clean drinking water to drink. If you can go to your kitchen faucet and get a drink of water any time you want you are VERY blessed. If you can read this blog, you are better off than 42 MILLION adults here in the US that can't read at all.
I think it is SO important to take a look at what we DO have at least once a week, especially when we start comparing our lives to other people's lives, thinking that their "grass" is greener than ours. Make a list of the blessings you do have helps us to see things as they really are! If you still feel you are being short changed in life, then list 3 things you can do right now to make some changes and then GET TO WORK! After practicing these techniques over time, who knows your life may become someone else's "greener grass"!
If you are stuck in life and want to take your life in a different direction and you don't know where to start, contact me and we can develop a plan to get you where you want to go!
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